Browse through the events we've sponsored.

The purpose of the events we sponsor here at the Roberta Winter Institute is not just to network with others of like mind. It is not just to discuss disease eradication or theodicy or the interplay between the two. In addition to these important things, the purpose of our events is to harness the collective expertise of our audience. We have no desire to be the authority on every subject. Our goal with our events is to START conversations, not finish them. We want dialogue to flourish and opposing ideas to be discussed charitably and with fairness. 

Toward this end, we sponsor gatherings, some large and general, some small and focused. Below you'll find a brief summary of our most recent events. Click through to view videos of the lectures and other related materials.  

April 25 & 26, 2013 
2013 Ralph D. Winter Lectureship

Keynote Speaker: Greg Boyd

Pastor and theologian Greg Boyd of Woodland Hills Church and was the keynote speaker for the fourth Annual Ralph D. Winter Lectureship. The theme of the event was, "Is God to Blame?: Moving Beyond Simple Answers to the Problem of Evil."

Click the button below to browse a number of resources related to the Lectureship, including reviews, a photo gallery, and videos of each lecture and panel discussion.

August 9, 2014 
Disease is Not God's Will Consultation

In August 2014 we gathered a group of fifteen key thinkers on the WCIU campus to explore and discuss the topic, "Disease is not God's Will." Our speakers included two medical doctors, one physicist/economist, and RWI director Brian Lowther.

Topics included:

  • Science Affirms Faith
  • Disease, Nutrition, and Mobile Genetic Elements
  • The Church's Role in Preventing the 'Slow Motion Disaster' Worldwide
  • Why Eradication?

Click the button below to browse the videos of each lecture. 

October 10, 2014 
Disease and Unreached Peoples Consultation

In the October 2014 we assembled again on the WCIU campus to present and dialogue about the interplay between disease and unreached peoples. Our speakers included a medical doctor, a microbiologist, two unreached peoples specialists and RWI director Brian Lowther.

Topics included:

  • What does Disease Eradication have to do with Missions?
  • Theology of Disease
  • A Feasibility Study for a Global Database on Human Suffering
  • Introducing the Center for Health in Mission

Click the button below to browse the videos of each lecture. 



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