How One Man Dared to Shake Up World Missions

Shortly after Ralph D. Winter passed away in 2009, the board of the Roberta Winter Institute commissioned acclaimed author Harold Fickett to write a short biography, a narrative depiction of Ralph Winter's life and thought, with a special emphasis on Winter's ideas from the last decade of his life, the soil from which the Roberta Winter Institute sprouted. 

The result was, The Ralph D. Winter Story: How One Man Dared to Shake Up World MissionsTo quote Rev. Chuck Huckaby, The Ralph D. Winter Story "is a fantastic primer into the abiding impact of the founder of the USCWM and WCIU. It’s slender 180 pages are quickly and enjoyably read and filled with insights into not only Winter’s life, but also the American evangelical milieu during the same time period. Weaving interesting anecdotes and narrative, it succeeds in outlining Winter’s life and demonstrating his key contributions to the Church." Read Huckaby's full review here.

For more about the book visit, where you can read an excerpt, a short synopsis of Winter's life, as well as numerous endorsements.

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